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Artist Sushobha Jenner created a few episodes of 'Joyful Artistic expressions' for the community TV channels. This episode showcases her Hispanic theme artworks with a fusion of music, modeling and dance. Students from the University High School of Science & Engineering, Maggie and Victoria, describe their Quinceanera celebration which is the Hispanic tradition of celebrating a young girl's transition to womanhood - her 15th birthday. Some of Sushobha's artworks are inspired by the old masters. In this episode view and experience her version of the 'Fountaine des Innocence' - famed sculptor Jean Goujon's monumental public fountain (1547-1549).

About Sushobha Jenner

The World of Vegetables theme was suggested by the doctors and staff of the Endocrinology department at the Connecticut Children's Medical Center(CCMC). Five artworks were designed and sketched on to the canvas by Artist Sushobha Jenner. Her passion is to lead youth groups to create art. Students in the 'Art for the Hospital' club at the University High School of Science & engineering painted these canvases. Upon completion Sushobha Jenner touched up these paintings to give a professional look. As the project was for the Children's Hospital, student participation was one of the key requirements for this project. These artworks definitely put a smile on everyone's faces when they visited the Endocrinology waiting room, CCMC, Hartford, CT

Artist Sushobha Jenner's art may be viewed as a performance fusing various art forms - music,dance and performance art. The magic is in the completion of large paintings at great speed before an audience. For the video medium, Sushobha Jenner edited clips of performances by the NZinga's Daughters and her African themed artworks. In this video titled 'Artistic Serengeti Trek', she leads the Youth group at the St. Ann's Church in Avon, CT, to create large size artworks for fun and decoration during youth events at the Father Bennett Hall. She has continued this talent of leading youth groups through her afterschool program - Math through Art, where students get an opportunity to scale & paint large size murals or paintings. Read more about this program on her blog posts.

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